Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Published 5:47 AM by BioVCO with 3 comments

Everything to Know About Coconut Oil Benefits for Thyroid Health

Coconut oil has been all the buzz lately. Many Doctors on TV have been recommending it as a way to treat thyroid disorders.
Will coconut oil cure your hypothyroidism?


But it can help with the symptoms of hypothyroidism and help support your thyroid help.

In addition to the health benefits it provides, coconut oil is incredibly versatile. You can use it in different ways – even for beauty and skincare purposes.

Numerous studies have confirmed the wonderful health benefits we can obtain through regular consumption of olive oil.

In this article, we will explore how coconut oil can help improve the health and function of the thyroid.

Coconut oil overview

Virgin coconut oil is first extracted from the kernel of mature coconuts harvested from a coconut palm.

The natural habitat of a coconut palm is in tropical and subtropical regions; which is why it is largely prevalent in Southern and Central American countries, Africa, India, and most nations in Asia.

What many people don’t know is that coconut oil is incredibly healthy. When the term “oil” comes to mind, the last thing we think of is that it could be good for us, but in this case, that’s the truth.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database, one tablespoon or 13g of coconut oil contains 121 calories and 13.47g of fat of which 0.2g is polyunsaturated, 0.8g is monounsaturated, and 11.21g is saturated.

It doesn’t contain cholesterol and fiber. Depending on the amount, little to no vitamins are found in coconut oil.

Basically, coconut oil is abundant in healthy saturated fats that raise the levels of HDL or good cholesterol.

Is coconut oil good for thyroid?

Coconut oil has become a kitchen staple thanks to its versatility. Not only can you use it for culinary purposes, but there are many other types of applications as well.

Scientists are intrigued by this oil, which explains why they carried out studies to figure its effects on our health.

Can regular intake of coconut oil support thyroid health and function?

Yes and no. It can support thyroid health to a degree – but not directly.

While coconut oil is widely researched, there haven’t been studies that focused on its direct impact on thyroid.

However, coconut oil can still support thyroid health through multiple indirect mechanisms, as listed and described below.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is the part of the body’s immune response to injury, viruses, bacteria, and other threats. A certain degree of inflammation is needed to heal and strengthen the immune system, but when left unresolved, it can wreak havoc on our health.

Long-term inflammation is the underlying cause of many autoimmune conditions and other diseases. An anti-inflammatory diet can help manage problems associated with inflammation, and coconut oil is a big part of it.

A growing body of evidence confirms that coconut oil has moderate anti-inflammatory effects as it has an inhibitory impact on chronic inflammation. It also has analgesic or pain-relieving effects which make this healthy fat even better.

The anti-inflammatory action of coconut oil is particularly important if we keep in mind that conditions such as hypothyroidism are also marked by inflammation.

Gupta et al. found that subclinical hypothyroidism patients have increased inflammatory markers and the problem becomes worse if the disease progresses or if left untreated. Its potential to manage inflammation makes coconut oil a valuable addition to your diet.

Weight management

There are different types of fat and coconut oil that belongs to the healthy group.

Coconut oil supports weight loss and aids in weight management through multiple mechanisms:

Coconut oil consists of medium chain fatty acids, which are metabolized in a different manner than longer chain fats. As a result, they exhibit a beneficial impact on metabolism which is crucial for weight loss and weight management

Coconut oil is thermogenic meaning it boosts energy expenditure or fat burning

Overeating is a major factor that leads to weight gain, and coconut oil can help with that; it suppresses your appetite to make you eat less. The fewer calories you consume, the better the weight loss
Coconut oil can help you lose fat in the abdominal region
Including coconut oil into your diet can help you slim down and keep your weight in a healthy range.

Weight management is crucial for good health and wellbeing, and it also allows you to avoid further complications if you have hypothyroidism.

One of the hallmark symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain due to the fact that thyroid hormones regulate basal metabolism, thermogenesis, and play a role in the metabolism of lipid and glucose. When the thyroid gland doesn’t work properly and fails to produce sufficient amounts of T3 and T4, thermogenesis decreases while BMI goes up.

An important part of the management of hypothyroidism is weight loss, but it can be quite tricky to lose extra weight.

That's why we need to be proactive and enrich our diet with foods that support weight loss, and coconut oil is one of them.

Slimming down and keeping weight in a healthy range will help you manage other symptoms of hypothyroidism as well.


Thyroid hormones, particularly T3, help our liver process and remove excess cholesterol from the body.

When the thyroid doesn’t produce enough T4 and T3 hormones, the liver is unable to process as much cholesterol as it should. In turn, the body removes a lower amount of LDL or bad cholesterol.

In addition to weight gain, high cholesterol levels is also a symptom of hypothyroidism, especially in patients whose condition is moderate to severe.

We tend to overlook the importance of managing cholesterol.

The buildup of cholesterol paves the way to serious cardiovascular problems ranging from atherosclerosis to heart attack. A healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet are crucial for keeping cholesterol levels in a normal range.

Some people may think that coconut oil boosts cholesterol because it’s fat. However, coconut oil contains natural saturated fats that increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol.

One study enrolled 40 women who took either coconut oil or soybean oil for 12 weeks and measured their cholesterol levels. Their findings showed that coconut oil was more effective than soybean oil in reducing LDL and elevating HDL cholesterol.

Essentially, coconut oil helps you keep cholesterol levels in a healthy range which can be incredibly useful if you have hypothyroidism as it can prevent further complications.

Stress management

Stress isn't something we can avoid; it shows up at one point or the other, but we can manage it.

The problem occurs when we fail to do something about stress, and it keeps getting worse and worse. When left unmanaged, stress can be a huge threat to your health.

Mizokami et al. found that stress affects the immune system either directly or indirectly through our endocrine and nervous systems.

These immune alterations may contribute to the onset of autoimmunity and the likelihood of autoimmune disease. Stress can be one of the environmental factors for the development of thyroid autoimmunity[ix]. Conditions such as Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are the most common cause of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, respectively, and stress can either contribute to their development or make them worse.

Evidence suggests that coconut oil can aid stress management. In addition to cholesterol-lowering effects, virgin coconut oil also reduces levels of stress hormones. Therefore, this healthy oil exhibits anti-stress effects as well, according to this study cited here.

Adding coconut oil to your diet can be an additional tool to decrease levels of stress hormone to prevent complications that would occur with too much stress, including those affecting thyroid.

How much coconut oil to eat per day?

Regular intake of this oil can allow us to manage our weight and cholesterol, tackle stress, lose weight, and remain healthy. Indirectly, these effects support thyroid function and aid the management of conditions affecting the thyroid gland.

When something is healthy for us, there’s a common belief that the more you eat, the better and stronger the effects. However, that’s not always the case! Moderation is crucial in a healthy diet, and coconut oil is not the exception.

In order to obtain favorable effects that coconut oil has to offer, you need to consume just the right amount.

Taking two tablespoons is a sufficient amount to obtain benefits of coconut oil without eating too much. There is no need to start with two tablespoons, though. The best thing to do is to start with a lower amount at first and work your way up to those two tablespoons.

How to use coconut oil?

Earlier in the article, we have mentioned that coconut oil was versatile, and that’s exactly the beauty of it.

If you’ve never used coconut oil before the first thing to remember is that it’s not like other oils – instead of being liquid, this oil is solid. You have plenty of options to consume this oil to obtain its health benefits.

For example, you can use it for cooking because it has a high smoke point, and it's an ideal ally in your kitchen.

Coconut oil is easy to incorporate in a wide range of recipes, but you can also add it to coffee or tea. The most practical thing to do is to try different methods to see what works for you or not.

Nowadays, it's also easy to get supplements that deliver coconut oil in a capsule form, and while it seems like a convenient intake method – the reality is different.

Most products contain 1g of coconut oil per capsule meaning you'd have to take a multitude of pills to reach two tablespoons limit, and that's not really useful.

Plus, virgin coconut oil is the best kind, so you may want to stick to that.


Multiple studies have confirmed the health benefits of coconut oil, but unfortunately, the direct relationship between coconut oil and thyroid is not fully evaluated yet.

That being said, coconut oil supports the function of the thyroid gland through various mechanisms ranging from anti-inflammatory effects to stress relief.

It’s crucial to conduct research on this specific subject to uncover the true potential of coconut oil and elucidate its potential benefits for thyroid health and disorders such as hypothyroidism.
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Published 5:27 AM by BioVCO with 0 comment

Thyroid Storm: What You Need to Know

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease that typically causes hyperthyroidism, in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone and becomes overactive. 

In 1 percent to 2 percent of cases, the thyroid produces an extreme amount of the key hormones involved in thyroid function-triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). 

This can cause your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature to become uncontrollably high—what's known as a thyroid storm. This is dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

Causes and Risk Factors

The primary risk factor for thyroid storm is having untreated Graves' disease and/or hyperthyroidism. Additionally, women are at greater risk than men, and seniors are more at risk than younger people with Graves'/hyperthyroidism. 

Even when the Graves' disease is identified and being treated, there are a number of other factors that raise your risk of thyroid storm:

Infection, specifically lung infections, throat infections, or pneumonia
Blood sugar changes, including diabetic ketoacidosis and insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Recent surgery on your thyroid gland or trauma to your thyroid
Abrupt withdrawal of your antithyroid medications
Radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment of your thyroid
Excessive palpation (handling/manipulation) of your thyroid gland
Exposure to a large quantity of iodine (such as an iodine-based contrast agent or the heart drug amiodarone)
Severe emotional stress
An overdose of thyroid hormone drugs
Toxemia of pregnancy and labor
Symptoms of thyroid storm are usually quite extreme and include:

A very high fever of 100 to 106 degrees
A very high heart rate, which can be as high as 200 beats per minute (BPM) 
Palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath
High blood pressure
Confusion, delirium, and even psychosis
Extreme physical and muscle weakness
Extreme fatigue and exhaustion
Extreme restlessness, nervousness, and mood swings
Exaggerated reflexes, especially in knee and ankle areas
Difficulty breathing
Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
Profuse sweating or dehydration
Stupor or coma
Recent dramatic weight loss

Complications of thyroid storm include stroke and heart attack, which can lead to death.

Go to the ER

Whenever thyroid storm is suspected, you must go to the emergency room immediately. Thyroid storm requires immediate treatment, as it is life-threatening and can develop and worsen quickly.


Physicians have developed a scoring system that helps them quickly assess symptoms and make a presumptive diagnosis of thyroid storm, so they can rapidly begin treatment. 

The system involves measuring temperature, heart rate, gastrointestinal symptoms, neurological symptoms, and noting whether the patient has had a previous thyroid storm.

Sometimes, blood tests are done to look for high levels of thyroid hormones; a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) test may also be done. Because thyroid storm is a medical emergency, however, there is rarely time to wait for test results and treatment is started immediately.


When treating thyroid storm, doctors often use the "five Bs":

Block the synthesis of thyroid hormone using antithyroid drugs: This is typically done right away with larger initial loading doses and frequent administration of additional doses. In patients who can't tolerate antithyroid drugs, lithium is sometimes used.

Block the release of thyroid hormone using a potassium iodide preparation: This is usually given after the antithyroid drugs and helps suppress thyroid hormone release.  

Block T4 to T3 conversion using a corticosteroid drug, such as hydrocortisone 
Use of a beta-blocker drug, such as propranolol, to reduce blood pressure and heart rate

Reduce the reabsorption of thyroid hormones with a bile acid sequestrate such as cholestyramine

Supportive treatment may also include cooling to help reduce body temperature, fluids to combat dehydration, and treatment of any other infections.

Typically, if the treatments are going to work, the improvement will be seen within 24 to 72 hours. 

The mortality rate in people whose thyroid storm goes untreated is as high as 75 percent. When treated, mortality goes down to 20 percent to 30 percent.

When thyroid storm does not respond to these approaches, plasmapheresis, a blood filtering treatment, is sometimes done to remove thyroid hormone from the bloodstream. Only a small percentage of the hormone can be removed during each session, so it needs to be performed several times. 

In rare cases, the thyroid is surgically removed, but physicians have to be particularly careful, as the surgery can precipitate a worsening of thyroid storm if hormone levels are already high.
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Friday, February 8, 2019

Published 2:51 AM by BioVCO with 0 comment

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin

Organic Coconut Oil is the new ‘must have’ in the health and beauty industry. If you’re in need of some TLC after the harsh winter, this amazing oil has tremendous benefits for your hair, body and skin. It can be used in numerous of ways to keep you looking and feeling your best.
The benefits of organic Coconut Oil for your skin are extensive. It will act as a moisturiser, rejuvenator, and could help with dry skin and irritations. The list goes on and here are just a few of the top benefits organic Coconut Oil can help you with your skin;
Prevent premature ageing – Organic Coconut Oil has antioxidant properties which are known to help stop skin ageing early. 
Smooth skin - By applying to the skin’s surface, organic Coconut Oil will help to keep the appearance of the skin healthy and smooth. 
Retain moisture – Organic Coconut Oil is known to help to reduce moisture loss via pores due to its natural composition of saturated fat. 
Heal wounds – If there is a cut or wound on the skin, applying organic Coconut Oil to the skin, some say that it will help in the protection of from microbial infections. 
Protect against cracking – Due to its Vitamin E content, organic Coconut Oil helps to prevent skin from cracking.
Help skin growth – Organic Oil is known to help skin growth because of its Vitamin E content. 
Repair wear and tear – The rejuvenating properties of the Proteins found in organic Coconut Oil may help the replacement of damaged cells on or near the skin. 
Maintain a tan – Applied to the skin’s surface when tanned, it may help to prolong the tan.
One of the best benefits of organic Coconut Oil for the skin is that it lasts a long time in comparison to some other oils and is therefore used as a base ingredients in many beauty products. Faith in Nature produce a range of skin care using organic Coconut Oil brimming with aromas to enrich your senses and soothe your day. The range includes Coconut Bar Soap, Coconut Hand Wash, Coconut Body Lotion, Coconut Hand Cream and Coconut Shower Gel & Foam Bath.
Why Not Try Our Coconut Range Today!
Why not have a browse through our range of coconut products including shampoo, conditioner, hand wash and more!
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Published 2:45 AM by BioVCO with 0 comment

5 Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil for Health and Beauty

A lot of natural ingredients can be benefited to take care of yourself, such as for masks and so on. One of them is coconut oil, which is good and quite often used for skin and hair beauty.
The best coconut oil is the virgin coconut oil (VCO). It contains a substance called lauric acid, which is able to maintain the immune system and heart health.
Coconut oil can also be easily found, so there is no harm in keeping your health with this natural ingredient. Coconut oil has a lot of benefits for health and beauty, include:
1. Body Health
Virgin coconut oil is good for body health because it contains saturated fatty acid so it can increase the body`s metabolism system. Besides, there are contents that can help to kill harmful bacteria so it makes your body immune to diseases.
2. Heart Health
The lauric acid contained in the virgin coconut oil can help to take care of heart health. Lauric acid is able to help lower bad cholesterol in the body. It will turn bad cholesterol into good cholesterol.
3. Hair Nourishing
For those who have dry and dull hair, or hair loss, you can apply a little bit of coconut oil to all parts of the hair or to the dry parts only. It can be used daily or weekly by making it as a hair mask. You can put it a lot and let it for an hour, then rinse it. If you do it regularly, the hair will become soft and untangled.
4. Skincare
Coconut oil also serves as a moisturizer, especially for dry skin. You can apply it to all over the body, especially in dry and rough parts, such as elbows, heels, and neck. You can also use it as a scrub by adding sugar or make it as a face mask by adding honey or aloe vera gel.
5. Makeup Remover
Coconut oil can remove waterproof makeup and makeup that is difficult to remove. The trick is easy; pour a few drops of coconut oil on a cotton pad then wipe it to the face and then rinse.
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Friday, October 16, 2009

Published 4:54 AM by BioVCO with 0 comment

Benefit of Virgin Coconut Oil

Extra virgin coconut oil is used to protect and heal the skin starting from the inside. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial and has antioxidants that work to combat the signs of aging. The oil is easily absorbed into the skin due to its relatively small molecular structure. Coconut oil has a smooth, silky texture and a rich, tropical scent. It is nourishing, healing and soothing for the body and face.


Coconut oil contains saturated fats such as lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid. It also contains large amounts of triglycerides, proteins, antioxidants and vitamin E. Lauric acid and capric acid are both anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. According to Coconut-Connections.com, these antioxidants combat the effects of aging by thwarting free radicals that cause the connective tissues in the skin to harden. Coconut oil's small molecular structure allows the vitamin E and protein to rejuvenate and soothe the skin.


The skin secretes oil naturally through the sebum glands. These glands prevent the skin from becoming cracked and dry. When the sebum glands become inhibited by bacterial infections, the result is acne, which often leads to redness and painful swelling. According to Organicfacts.net, the anti-bacterial properties found in coconut oil, particularly from the capric and lauric acid, help put a stop to the bacterial infections. This allows the glands to function correctly and prevent outbreaks of acne.

Dry Skin

When skin becomes dry, it is vulnerable to infection. The sebum glands produce oil that keeps harmful bacteria at bay while maintaining the good bacteria. Coconut oil has a similar pH balance and mid-chain fatty acid structure that affects the oil that is secreted by the skin. After you shower using dry or bar soaps, your skin is at a greater risk of dryness or infection due to the natural oils being washed away. Coconut oil replenishes the skin's much-needed oils while moisturizing and keeping the skin's pH at the correct balance.


You can combat and prevent bacterial and microbial infections by using coconut oil on the skin. Infections can be unsightly and painful. From fungal and bacterial infections to acne, coconut oil can aid in healing the skin. According to Bruce Fife, coconut oil can fight ringworm, athlete's foot and other infections effectively. The properties that fight the infection on acne-prone skin are the same for other skin infections.


Young skin is supple, strong and elastic. Over the course of time, the connective tissues in the skin become harmed by free radicals. This leads to the loss of elasticity and hardening, which is what shows the signs of aging. Coconut oil provides antioxidants by penetrating the skin. This leads to skin that is elastic and soft because the skin's connective tissues are strengthened. Brown liver spots on the skin that occur as you get older are a result of the oxidation of proteins and polyunsaturated fats. Coconut oil's antioxidant properties can slow the emergence of these spots by hindering oxidation.

Extra Virgin vs. Virgin

According to Coconut Connection, the term "extra virgin" is misleading to consumers. You typically hear the term "extra virgin" when referring to olive oil, which is from where the term "extra virgin coconut oil" is borrowed. "Virgin" means the original product--in this instance coconut oil that has not been touched, changed or modified much from its original form and is not hydrogenated. "Extra virgin" simply does not exist when it comes to coconut oil. Plain and simple, it's either pure and untouched or it's processed.

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